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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
r RAMTEX +flower 35
r ROMEO +flower 3
flower 20
radiant HEALTHCARE +flower 5
flower 2
rashtraprakash +flower 41
red LOOK +flower 3
red PEARL +flower & crown 5
rheuma ointment +flower 5
rnp SUREKA TRADING +flower 3
roman arc +flower & oval 9
romance TV +flower & heart 41
rose ROYALE +flower 3
rose brand ARVIND +flower 3
royal +flower 30
royal ENSIGN +flower 20
flower 42
royal ORCHID HARSHA +flower 42
royal ORCHID HOTELS +flower 42
s +flower 8, 21
s SADHAHA SAREES +flower 24
s SCENTIMENT +flower 3
s SEZAI +flower 20
s SHILPI +flower 24
s SINGHANIA'S +flower 42
s new SHANTHI SAGAR +flower 30
s swiss BEAUTY +flower 3
flower 38
sai gulab +flower & wreath 30
saijo denki +flower & circl 11
sanskriti GREENS +flower 42
saras +flower 30
satvik +flower 30
flower 16
sd +flower 36
flower 9
se SONALITE +flower 9, 11
shakti & budhi +flower face 30
shree +flower & circle 11
shree BAGRA +flower 24
shree BHUVANESHWARI +flower 10
shree KAMAL +flower 30
shree KAMAL +flower & circl 30
shree YAMUNA +flower 30
shree brand +flower 30
shree papad SURAJ +flower 30
flower 33
sikkim SPARKLE +flower 32
silk MUSEUM +flower & squar 35
since 1978 PRETTY +flower 12
smart ideas +flower 9
flower 31
flower 41
flower 16
special BIDI NO. 24 +flower 13, 17, 24
special KAMAL +man & flower 34
special bidi NO. 24 +flower 31
special bidi NO.24 +flower 34
special bidi no. 24 +flower 6
special biri NO. 24 +flower 34
special quality +flower 34
square flower & arcs 3, 5
square & flower 5, 8, 16, 29, 30, 31, 33, 43
sri +flower 1
flower 30
sri MUTHU BRAND +flower 29
sri RAM & SON +flower 24, 25
sri sakthi brand +flower 30
ss SUN HEALTH +flower 29
stainless steel MK +flower 6
star flower & circle 3, 4, 21, 35, 44
star & flower 1, 16
star hexagon & flower 1, 5, 29, 30, 32
star triangle & flower 16
style +flower 42
sugandh SAGAR +flower 3
suiteprofit +flower & ovals 9
sun flower 21
sun flower & arcs 14
sun flower & book 16
sun flower wreath & circles 41
sun & flower 29
super CHAND bidi +flower 34
super FLOWER +flower & appl 34
super GULAB brand +flower 30
super LAX +flower 5
super LINC +flower 3
super MAINI +flower 7
super METRO +flower 11
super PARAS BLUE +flower 3
super SHRUTI +flower 3
super SPRINT +flower 3
super STAR +godess flower 29
super VITAMOL +flower & ova 1
super fine KAMAL +flower 30
supergems +flower 16
suriya gold ponni +flower 30
surya +flower 16, 44
swadeshi +flower 16, 19
swastik POLYMERS +flower 17
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